******************* eORCA025 mask files ******************* Mesh mask ========= .. _eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0: eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc ------------------------------------------ * source: - domain cfg: :ref:`eORCA025.L121_domain_cfg_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0` * comment: - build at the same time as the domain cfg file * tools: - r13390 of NEMO DOMAIN_cfg tools * paths: - file: https://ige-meom-opendap.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/thredds/catalog/meomopendap/extract/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-MSH/catalog.html?dataset=meomscanpublic/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-MSH/eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc Sub bassins =========== eORCA025_subbassin_b0.2_v0.0.nc ------------------------------- In order to post process output file, a subbassin file has been built. It contains an atlantic, indian, pacific and southern ocean mask (:numref:`fig_eORCA025_subbasin`). * core tool: - cdfmkmask * comments: - atlmask contains part of the Arctic and not the med - somask include under ice shelf seas - section defining the basins are hard coded in separate file for eORCA025 (index not lat/lon) - compatible with the :ref:`ORCA025_bathymetry_b0.2` file (if coast line change, mask need to be rebuild) * path: - building directory: TOADD - file: https://ige-meom-opendap.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/thredds/catalog/meomopendap/extract/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-MSH/catalog.html?dataset=meomscanpublic/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-MSH/eORCA025_subbassin_b0.2_v0.0.nc .. _fig_eORCA025_subbasin: .. figure:: _static/eORCA025_subbasins.png :scale: 40 subbasin mask for :ref:`eORCA025_subbassin_b0.2_v0.0` isf mask ======== eORCA025_mskisf_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0.nc -------------------------------------- In order to compute easily isf diagnostics (mean, melt ...) a mask with one value per isf has been produced. The list making the link between the isf id and its name is in eORCA025_mskisf_c3.0_v0.0.txt. In addition to this, total melt for each ice shelf from Rignot is also added in the txt file. * tools: - cdfisf_fill (./cdfisf_fill -f eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc -v isfdraft -l eORCA025_mskisf_c3.0_v0.0.txt -nc4 -o eORCA025_mskisf_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc -ew -bf eORCA025_isfbnd_c3.0_v0.0.txt) - github.com:pmathiot/CDFTOOLS_4.0_ISF.git @ 5b6938c * compatibility: - :ref:`eORCA025.L121_domain_cfg_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0` (each time the bathy or the isf discretisation change, this file need to be rebuild) * path: - building directory: TOADD - file: https://ige-meom-opendap.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/thredds/catalog/meomopendap/extract/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-MSH/catalog.html?dataset=meomscanpublic/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-MSH/eORCA025_mskisf_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0.nc eORCA025_mskisf_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0.nc -------------------------------------- as eORCA025_mskisf_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0.nc * tools: - cdfisf_fill (./cdfisf_fill -f eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0.nc -v isfdraft -l eORCA025_mskisf_c3.0_v0.0.txt -nc4 -o eORCA025_mskisf_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0.nc -ew -bf eORCA025_isfbnd_c3.0_v0.0.txt) - github.com:pmathiot/CDFTOOLS_4.0_ISF.git @ 5b6938c * compatibility: - :ref:`eORCA025.L121_domain_cfg_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0` (each time the bathy or the isf discretisation change, this file need to be rebuild) * path: - building directory: TOADD - file: .. _fig_eORCA025_maskisf: .. figure:: _static/isfmask.png :scale: 40 isf mask for :ref:`eORCA025_mskisf_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0.nc`