******************** eORCA025.L121-OPM016 ******************** Summary ======= Namelist ======== Only the change compare to the reference (eORCA025.L121-OPM006) a mentioned here: namelist_oce ------------ namtsd ~~~~~~ * Because of the issue (:ref:`bug_input_eO025-OPM006`) in reference simulation (:ref:`eORCA025.L121-OPM006`), input file hase been updated. .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtsd_drk ! Temperature & Salinity Data (init/dmp) (default: OFF) ! ! if key_drakkar, **only** namtsd_drk is read !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_tsd_init = .true. ! Initialisation of ocean T & S with T &S input data (T) or not (F) ln_tsd_dmp = .false. ! damping of ocean T & S toward T &S input data (T) or not (F) cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the temperature and salinity file !___________!_____________________________________!___________________!___________!_____________!________!___________!_____________!__________!_______________! ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! ! data used for initial condition (istate) sn_tem_ini = 'eORCA025.L121_WOA2018_c3.0_d1.0_v19812010.5.1', -1., 'votemper', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' sn_sal_ini = 'eORCA025.L121_WOA2018_c3.0_d1.0_v19812010.5.1', -1., 'vosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' ! data used for damping ( tradmp) sn_tem_dmp = 'eORCA025.L121_Gouretski2004_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0', -1., 'votemper', .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' sn_sal_dmp = 'eORCA025.L121_Gouretski2004_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0', -1., 'vosaline', .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' ! / namsbc_ssr ^^^^^^^^^^ * Because of the issue (:ref:`bug_input_eO025-OPM006`) in reference simulation (:ref:`eORCA025.L121-OPM006`), input file has been updated. .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_ssr ! surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring (ln_ssr =T) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nn_sstr = 0 ! add a retroaction term to the surface heat flux (=1) or not (=0) rn_dqdt = -40. ! magnitude of the retroaction on temperature [W/m2/K] nn_sssr = 2 ! add a damping term to the surface freshwater flux (=2) ! ! or to SSS only (=1) or no damping term (=0) rn_deds = -166.67 ! magnitude of the damping on salinity [mm/day] ln_sssr_bnd = .true. ! flag to bound erp term (associated with nn_sssr=2) rn_sssr_bnd = 4.e0 ! ABS(Max/Min) value of the damping erp term [mm/day] nn_sssr_ice = 1 ! control of sea surface restoring under sea-ice ! 0 = no restoration under ice : * (1-icefrac) ! 1 = restoration everywhere ! >1 = enhanced restoration under ice : 1+(nn_icedmp-1)*icefrac cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the SST/SSS data location !___________!_________________________!___________________!___________!_____________!________!___________!___________!__________!_______________! ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights e ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! sn_sst = 'NOT_USED.nc' , 24. , 'sst' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' sn_sss = 'eORCA025_sss_WOA2018_c3.0_v19812010.5.1' , -1. , 'sosaline' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' / namtra_ldf ^^^^^^^^^^ * We also revert UKMO change on diffusion to get back to historical values (300m2/s) .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for tracers (default: NO selection) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Operator type: ln_traldf_OFF = .false. ! No explicit diffusion ln_traldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator ln_traldf_blp = .false. ! bilaplacian operator ! ! ! Direction of action: ln_traldf_lev = .false. ! iso-level ln_traldf_hor = .false. ! horizontal (geopotential) ln_traldf_iso = .true. ! iso-neutral (standard operator) ln_traldf_triad = .false. ! iso-neutral (triad operator) ! ! ! iso-neutral options: ln_traldf_msc = .false. ! Method of Stabilizing Correction (both operators) rn_slpmax = 0.01 ! slope limit (both operators) ln_triad_iso = .false. ! pure horizontal mixing in ML (triad only) rn_sw_triad = 1 ! =1 switching triad ; =0 all 4 triads used (triad only) ln_botmix_triad = .false. ! lateral mixing on bottom (triad only) ! ! ! Coefficients: nn_aht_ijk_t = 20 ! space/time variation of eddy coefficient: ! ! =-20 (=-30) read in eddy_diffusivity_2D.nc (..._3D.nc) file ! ! = 0 constant ! ! = 10 F(k) =ldf_c1d ! ! = 20 F(i,j) =ldf_c2d ! ! = 21 F(i,j,t) =Treguier et al. JPO 1997 formulation ! ! = 30 F(i,j,k) =ldf_c2d * ldf_c1d ! ! = 31 F(i,j,k,t)=F(local velocity and grid-spacing) ! ! time invariant coefficients: aht0 = 1/2 Ud*Ld (lap case) ! ! or = 1/12 Ud*Ld^3 (blp case) rn_Ud = 0.022 ! lateral diffusive velocity [m/s] (nn_aht_ijk_t= 0, 10, 20, 30) rn_Ld = 200.e+3 ! lateral diffusive length [m] (nn_aht_ijk_t= 0, 10) / namtra_eiv ^^^^^^^^^^ * Based on UKMO test and Julie D. discussion we switch one GM (300m2/s) .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_eiv ! eddy induced velocity param. (default: OFF) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_ldfeiv = .true. ! use eddy induced velocity parameterization ! ! ! Coefficients: nn_aei_ijk_t = 21 ! space/time variation of eddy coefficient: ! ! =-20 (=-30) read in eddy_induced_velocity_2D.nc (..._3D.nc) file ! ! = 0 constant ! ! = 10 F(k) =ldf_c1d ! ! = 20 F(i,j) =ldf_c2d ! ! = 21 F(i,j,t) =Treguier et al. JPO 1997 formulation ! ! = 30 F(i,j,k) =ldf_c2d * ldf_c1d ! ! time invariant coefficients: aei0 = 1/2 Ue*Le rn_Ue = 0.06 ! lateral diffusive velocity [m/s] (nn_aei_ijk_t= 0, 10, 20, 30) rn_Le = 10.e+3 ! lateral diffusive length [m] (nn_aei_ijk_t= 0, 10) ! ln_ldfeiv_dia =.false. ! diagnose eiv stream function and velocities nn_ldfeiv_shape = 2 ! shape of bounding coefficient (nn_aei_ijk_t= 21 only) / namtra_dmp_drk -------------- * this config use in addition of the hard coded point a mask for AABW dmp. * change in the ts data used for the restoring. It now use: :ref:`eORCA025.L121_Gouretski2004_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0` .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtsd_drk ! Temperature & Salinity Data (init/dmp) (default: OFF) ! ! if key_drakkar, **only** namtsd_drk is read !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_tsd_init = .true. ! Initialisation of ocean T & S with T &S input data (T) or not (F) ln_tsd_dmp = .true. ! damping of ocean T & S toward T &S input data (T) or not (F) cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the temperature and salinity file !___________!_____________________________________!___________________!___________!_____________!________!___________!_____________!__________!_______________! ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! ! data used for initial condition (istate) sn_tem_ini = 'eORCA025.L121_WOA2018_c3.0_d1.0_v19812010.5.1', -1. , 'votemper', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' sn_sal_ini = 'eORCA025.L121_WOA2018_c3.0_d1.0_v19812010.5.1', -1. , 'vosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' ! data used for damping ( tradmp) sn_tem_dmp = 'eORCA025.L121_Gouretski2004_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0', -12., 'ct', .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' sn_sal_dmp = 'eORCA025.L121_Gouretski2004_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0', -12., 'sa', .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ' ' , ' ' ! / .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namtra_dmp_drk ! tracer: T & S newtonian damping (default: OFF) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nn_hdmp = -2 ! -2 = Drakkar customisation ( use dtacof in tradmp.F90 ) ! any other value : Nemo standard code nn_file = 1 ! create a damping.coeff NetCDF file (=1) or not (=0) ! The output file can then be used as input resto file (cn_resto) ln_dmpmask = .true. ! Read dmp_mask.nc file when T (between 0 and 1 ) rn_timsk = 730. ! Time scale used for dmp_mask cn_dir = './' ! directtory wher to find damping mask !___________!____________!___________________!___________!_____________!________!___________!___________!__________!_______________! ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights e ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! sn_dmp = 'eORCA025.L121_dmpmask_b0.2_c0.3_d1.0_v0.0' , -12. , 'wdmp' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' / Input files =========== Only the file changed between the reference (:ref:`bug_input_eO025-OPM006`) and this simulation are described. initial condition ----------------- - filename: :ref:`eORCA025.L121_WOA2018_c3.0_d1.0_v19812010.5.1.nc ` - variables: votemper, vosaline - frequency: monthly sea surface salinity -------------------- - filename: eORCA025_sss_WOA2018_c3.0_v19812010.5.1.nc - variable: sosaline - frequency: monthly damping mask ------------ - filename: :ref:`eORCA025.L121_dmpmask_b0.2_c0.3_d1.0_v0.0` damping data ------------ - filename: :ref:`eORCA025.L121_Gouretski2004_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0` Code ==== Only changes compare to reference are presented here. Compilation ----------- * XIOS: - XIOS/2.5_r1903_intelmpi- * Module loaded: - gcc/8.3.0 - intel/19.4 - intelmpi/ - netcdf-fortran/4.4.4-intel-19.0.4-intelmpi-2019.4.243 - netcdf/4.6.3-intel-19.0.4-intelmpi-2019.4.243 - hdf5/1.10.5-intel-19.0.4-intelmpi-2019.4.243 * comments on this choice: - Netcdf is now available on Occigen with the latest intel compiler (2019.4.243) - we recompile NEMO and XIOS with the latest available compiler sea ice changes --------------- * see nemo ticket #2626 (:ref:`bug_code_eO025-OPM006`) * update of eiv code to be able to have GM only where we do not resolve the Rossby Radius (2dx) and with a ramp to avoid sharp change in diffusion (nn_ldfeiv_shape=2 in namelist) Outputs ======= * issue :ref:`bug_output_eO025-OPM006` fixed Monitoring ========== .. _eORCA025.L121-_monitoring: Global indicators ----------------- On these plot you can find a time series of: - ACC transport - AMOC at rapid array - AMHT at rapid array - Net global heat fluxes - mean sst in the southern ocean (see box in the map) - mean sst in the North West Corner (see box in the map) - sea ice extent (arctic/ant in summer/winter) .. image:: _static/VALGLO_OPM.png Regional indicators ------------------- On these plot, you can find time series of: - ACC transport - Maximum of the Weddell and Ross Gyre (box where the max compute show in the map) - Mean bottom salinity over the main dense water formation hot spot (West Ross and West FRIS) - Mean bottom temperature over East Ross and Amudsen sea to monitor CDW intrusion .. image:: _static/VALSO_OPM.png Local indicators ---------------- These plots monitor the evolution of ice shelf melting and the corresponding shelf properties (ROSS, FRIS, PINE, GETZ) .. image:: _static/VALSI_OPM.png Amundsen sea ------------ These plot monitoring the evolution of temperature, salinity and ice shelf melt in Amundsen sea. .. image:: _static/VALAMU_OPM.png .. _eORCA025.L121-OPM016_isf_monitoring: Ice shelves ----------- Amery ~~~~~ .. image:: _static/AMER_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png Ross ~~~~ .. image:: _static/ROSS_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png Getz ~~~~ .. image:: _static/GETZ_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png Pine island ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/PINE_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png George VI ~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/GEVI_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png Filschner Ronne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/FRIS_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png Riiser ~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/RIIS_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png Fimbul ~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/FIMB_eORCA025.L121-OPM016.png All ice shelves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: _static/melt_per_isf_eORCA025.L121_1979.png ice shelf melt for each ice shelf (decade 1979-1988). Maps ---- .. image:: _static/SIC_OPM016.png .. image:: _static/BSF_OPM016.png .. image:: _static/BOTS_OPM016_comb.png .. image:: _static/BOTT_OPM016_comb.png