******************** eORCA025.L121-OPM027 ******************** Summary ======= Compare to eORCA025.L121-OPM026, we perturbed the atmospheric forcing by adding the HADCM3 A1B monthly 2160-2200 anomaly (wrt XXXX) to all the forcing variables. Input files =========== All the inputs files needed to run this configuration are here: https://ige-meom-opendap.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/thredds/catalog/meomopendap/extract/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-OPM026/catalog.html?dataset=meomscanpublic/eORCA025.L121/eORCA025.L121-OPM026/eORCA025.L121-OPM026_input.tar A detailed description of each file is given in :ref:`eORCA025_input_files` Pertubed forcing set on demand. Namelist ======== Except the sbcblk namelist block, no change compare to eORCA025.L121-OPM026. Full files are available here: https://github.com/pmathiot/NEMOCFG/tree/main/cfgs/eORCA025.L121-OPM026/cfgs/eORCA025.L121-OPM027/EXPREF namelist_oce ------------ - change atmospheric forcing file name: .. code-block:: console !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_blk ! namsbc_blk generic Bulk formula (ln_blk =T) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! bulk algorithm : ln_NCAR = .true. ! "NCAR" algorithm (Large and Yeager 2008) ln_COARE_3p0 = .false. ! "COARE 3.0" algorithm (Fairall et al. 2003) ln_COARE_3p5 = .false. ! "COARE 3.5" algorithm (Edson et al. 2013) ln_ECMWF = .false. ! "ECMWF" algorithm (IFS cycle 31) ! rn_zqt = 2. ! Air temperature & humidity reference height (m) rn_zu = 10. ! Wind vector reference height (m) ln_Cd_L12 = .false. ! air-ice drags = F(ice concentration) (Lupkes et al. 2012) ln_Cd_L15 = .false. ! air-ice drags = F(ice concentration) (Lupkes et al. 2015) ln_taudif = .false. ! HF tau contribution: use "mean of stress module - module of the mean stress" data rn_pfac = 1. ! multiplicative factor for precipitation (total & snow) rn_efac = 1. ! multiplicative factor for evaporation (0. or 1.) rn_vfac = 0. ! multiplicative factor for ocean & ice velocity used to ! ! calculate the wind stress (0.=absolute or 1.=relative winds) cn_dir = './' !_______!__________________!___________________!___________!_____________!_________!___________!______________________________!__________!______! ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights filename ! rotation ! lsm ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! ! paring ! ! !_______!__________________!___________________!___________!_____________!_________!___________!______________________________!__________!______! sn_wndi = 'drowned_uas_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'uas' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bicubic.nc' , 'U1' , '' sn_wndj = 'drowned_vas_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'vas' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bicubic.nc' , 'V1' , '' sn_qsr = 'drowned_rsds_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'rsds' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_qlw = 'drowned_rlds_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'rlds' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_tair = 'drowned_tas_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'tas' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_humi = 'drowned_huss_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'huss' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_prec = 'drowned_tprecip_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly', 3. , 'tprecip', .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_snow = 'drowned_prsn_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'prsn' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_slp = 'drowned_psl_JRA55_perturbed_A1B_HadCM3_21602200-19792019_anomaly' , 3. , 'psl' , .true. , .false. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' sn_cc = 'NOT USED' , 24. , 'CC' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' sn_tdif = 'NOT USED' , 24. , 'taudif' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'eORCA025_JRA55_do_c3.0_weights_bilin.nc' , '' , '' / Input files =========== - Except the atmospheric forcings, no change in the input files. Code changes ============ - No changes wrt OPM026. Full files are available here: https://github.com/pmathiot/NEMOCFG/tree/main/cfgs/eORCA025.L121-OPM027/src/ Monitoring ========== .. _eORCA025.L121-OPM027_monitoring: Global indicators ----------------- On these plot you can find a time series of: - ACC transport - AMOC at rapid array - AMHT at rapid array - Net global heat fluxes - mean sst in the southern ocean (see box in the map) - mean sst in the North West Corner (see box in the map) - sea ice extent (arctic/ant in summer/winter) .. image:: _static/VALGLO_OPM027.png Regional indicators ------------------- On these plot, you can find time series of: - ACC transport - Maximum of the Weddell and Ross Gyre (box where the max compute show in the map) - Mean bottom salinity over the main dense water formation hot spot (West Ross and West FRIS) - Mean bottom temperature over East Ross and Amudsen sea to monitor CDW intrusion .. image:: _static/VALSO_OPM027.png Local indicators ---------------- These plots monitor the evolution of ice shelf melting and the corresponding shelf properties (ROSS, FRIS, PINE, GETZ) .. image:: _static/VALSI_OPM027.png Amundsen/Belingshausen seas --------------------------- These plot monitoring the evolution of temperature, salinity and ice shelf melt in Amundsen sea. .. image:: _static/VALAMU_OPM027.png Ice shelves ----------- Amery ~~~~~ .. image:: _static/AMER_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Ross ~~~~ .. image:: _static/ROSS_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Getz ~~~~ .. image:: _static/GETZ_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Pine island ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/PINE_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png George VI ~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/GEVI_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Filschner Ronne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/FRIS_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Riiser ~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/RIIS_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Fimbul ~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/FIMB_eORCA025.L121-OPM027.png Evaluation ========== Ice shelf melt: the pictures below are the climatological melt for all the ice shelves in NEMO for the OPM027 (y30-40) and OPM026 (2009-2018) simulations by sectors. .. image:: _static/WAIS_OPM027.png :scale: 27% .. image:: _static/EAIS_OPM027.png :scale: 27% .. image:: _static/WEDD_OPM027.png :scale: 27% Map of ice shelf melt for both simulations OPM027 (y30-40) and OPM026 (2009-2018) over the last decade of the simulations with bottom temperature. .. image:: _static/melt_sector_OPM026_2009-2018.png :scale: 20% .. image:: _static/melt_sector_OPM027_y30-40.png :scale: 20% Map of barotropic stream function for both simulations OPM027 (y30-40) and OPM026 (2009-2018). .. image:: _static/BSF_OPM026_OPM027.png Map of bottomT and bottomS for both simulations OPM027 (y30-40) and OPM026 (2009-2018). .. image:: _static/BOTS_OPM026_OPM027_comb.png .. image:: _static/BOTT_OPM026_OPM027_comb.png