eORCA025 mask files¶
Mesh mask¶
- source:
domain cfg: eORCA025.L121_domain_cfg_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc
- comment:
build at the same time as the domain cfg file
- tools:
r13390 of NEMO DOMAIN_cfg tools
Sub bassins¶
In order to post process output file, a subbassin file has been built. It contains an atlantic, indian, pacific and southern ocean mask (Fig. 11).
- core tool:
- comments:
atlmask contains part of the Arctic and not the med
somask include under ice shelf seas
section defining the basins are hard coded in separate file for eORCA025 (index not lat/lon)
compatible with the ORCA025_bathymetry_b0.2 file (if coast line change, mask need to be rebuild)
isf mask¶
In order to compute easily isf diagnostics (mean, melt …) a mask with one value per isf has been produced. The list making the link between the isf id and its name is in eORCA025_mskisf_c3.0_v0.0.txt. In addition to this, total melt for each ice shelf from Rignot is also added in the txt file.
- tools:
cdfisf_fill (./cdfisf_fill -f eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc -v isfdraft -l eORCA025_mskisf_c3.0_v0.0.txt -nc4 -o eORCA025_mskisf_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc -ew -bf eORCA025_isfbnd_c3.0_v0.0.txt)
github.com:pmathiot/CDFTOOLS_4.0_ISF.git @ 5b6938c
- compatibility:
eORCA025.L121_domain_cfg_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0.nc (each time the bathy or the isf discretisation change, this file need to be rebuild)
as eORCA025_mskisf_b0.2_c3.0_d1.0_v0.0.nc
- tools:
cdfisf_fill (./cdfisf_fill -f eORCA025.L121_mesh_mask_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0.nc -v isfdraft -l eORCA025_mskisf_c3.0_v0.0.txt -nc4 -o eORCA025_mskisf_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0.nc -ew -bf eORCA025_isfbnd_c3.0_v0.0.txt)
github.com:pmathiot/CDFTOOLS_4.0_ISF.git @ 5b6938c
- compatibility:
eORCA025.L121_domain_cfg_b0.3_c3.0_d1.0.nc (each time the bathy or the isf discretisation change, this file need to be rebuild)
- path:
building directory: TOADD